Now what, captain?

I was really bad at calculus. Like deer in the headlights, what in the world language is this? awful at calculus. (Umm, I was also maybe a little casual about showing up all of the time, and I *ahem* accidentally missed the day that basically explained everything and from then on out I was pretty screwed, so go to class, kids.) It took 2 drops and 3 semesters, but I finally found a professor and a tutor that helped it make sense--calculus is a puzzle, and it was nearly fun! I think I ended up with a B- in the class and that was like winning the freakin' olympics! At this point, I have a collection of medical oncologists getting dusty on the shelf and none of them could make the cancer puzzle work for me. Earlier this week, I had another consult at Fred Hutch (a cancer research/treatment center in Seattle with a sarcoma specialty group, formerly the SCCA) with y...