Home! (again)

Oops. I really do have every intention of getting home and at least doing one more post to say I'm home--wouldn't that wrap it up nicely? Of course it would, but no, then I don't do it. In defense of my attention span, we woke up at home on my mom's birthday, my brother and sister-in-law arrived to surprise her (and us!), and that's way more fun and important than ticky typing a blog with my whereabouts. Evidence of fall: pumpkin carving, end of the flower field, fuzzy horses, and a melting cat. Though, in truth, I did write a furiously long post, then reread it and deleted it. I was remembering a consult I had with my original surgeon in WA. This was last summer when liver and bagel bite joined the party and I wanted to talk to him about surgery, as it seemed to be the best option at the time. He summarized my questions and concerns and replied with, if you're trying to avoid (physical) pain, you're not going to be able to. Cancer a...